Tuesday, March 29, 2022


Over the years

As your children grow

A picture is painted in your minds eye

Of what their lives will be like

Each event and experience forming a brushstroke of the canvas of life.

Portraying an amazing work of art that is to be.


Then – in one fell swoop

The world can empty an unexpected color to the canvas

Perhaps a splattering

Or at times dousing the entire image.


The initial shock




Feels earth shattering

As if all those brushstrokes have disappeared and were for naught.

The canvas is almost too painful to view

You look away


You glance back

And catch a glimpse of what was to be

Light glimmers through the newly added contrast

And you see…..

You see a different image.

Not a damaged one, or a lesser one,

Just different that the one that you first imagined.


You tilt your head ever so slightly

And it jumps out at you.

That unexpected contrast

The stain that at first seemed to ruin everything…

You see is exactly what the canvas needed to make the work not just a picture,

A painting,

One more image to hang on a wall,

But all that it is to become….

A Masterpiece.

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